Opportunities to Donate


There are so many ways to Donate - pick one that works for you!



Gavin's family funds the majority of operating expenses for the Memorial Fund.  Donations made go directly to the purchase of K9 bulletproof vests, comfort gear and other protective gear.   

To make a cash donation in any amount please click on the DONATE button. OR create a recurring monthly, quarterly or other donation using PayPal.


Amazon SMILE

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. In 2016 GBMF was approved as a charitable organization and now receives 0.5% of all our supporter purchases. These purchases ADD up and quarterly we receive a distribution from Amazon. Easy-peasy way to incorporate supporting GBMF into your daily activities - who doesn’t shop on Amazon??? Click on the link and search for us!


California Our Promise

The Gavin Buchanan Memorial Foundation is an approved Non-profit for the "Our Promise: California State Employees Giving at Work" campaign. Making it possible for California state employees to do easy payroll donations to GBMF. If you would like to donate to our foundation and you are a California State Employee, please go here to fill out a Pledge Form on behalf of GBMF.

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Find your own path

We’ve had our supporters find all sorts of creative ways to donate:

  1. See if your employer has a matching program. We’ve had donations from major corporations such as: All State, Bank of America, Kaiser Permanente, Genentech, etc…

  2. United Way - employers who have a United Way program can select GBMF as a their charity of choice

  3. Other - lemonade stands, bingo parties, paint nite, dine and donate. Get creative and make it work for you - we love all the ways people find to support and donate to Gav’s Foundation!